Monday, July 17, 2006

Words and Phrases I Don't Use Nearly Enough

:: High Tide Tidings (I overheard this the other day coming from this warbled, scraggly looking old man. He had a lot of tattoos so you know he's an authority on cool sayings...Whether they make sense or not.)

:: Jungle Boogie (Get down with the get down)

:: Collateral (2004 dreamworks SKG/Paramount Pictures American action/thriller film directed by Michael Mann and written by Stuart Beattie)

:: Phlebotomy (The process of taking blood from the body by way of needle, but yes you can refer to ex-girlfriends as phlebotomists for all the life they sucked out of you)

:: Discombobulate (Undo the bobulating)

:: Colloquial (With loquiality)

:: Masticate (To chew food...while you play with yourself)

:: Eschew Obfuscations (To avoid making confusing something that may have been confusing to begin with but possibly unavoidable and you're unaware of how to avoid the confusion)

:: Penultimate (That kick ass fountain pen that's like $200 dollars at Staples. It writes upside down for crying out loud!)

:: "Arrrrrr" (Pirate for...anything really. I suppose it's more of a filler, like 'um' or 'fo shizzle')

1 comment:

fueledbycoffee said...

I vote for "Eschew Obfuscations".