Saturday, January 31, 2009

twenty five doesn't feel like enough

A response to my sister's facebook note

25 things about me

1) I cannot handle monotony.
2) I have very selective memory. Meaning, it’s not bad memory. There are just less of them. The things I do remember are extremely vivid and detailed.
3) I really don’t like my last name.
4) The books that are on my floor, or next to my bed, or stuffed inside a backpack say more about me than the books that are on my shelf.
5) No matter how hard I try, I will never understand religion.
6) I find comfort in clutter.
7) I’m afraid of broken bones.
8) I have mixed emotions about being passed by other cars while driving.
9) When I was three, I was told what the word “architect” meant. From that day onward, I wanted to be one. I’m not exactly sure when, why, or if I ever changed my mind. But I’m not one yet.
10) I lean towards optimism 93% of the time.
11) I once got arrested and spent a weekend in jail.
12) The only times when I am simultaneously frustrated and happy are when I am writing, creating, or envisioning.
13) I wish my life were more like a music video.
14) I have two tattoos. And I intend to get at least one more.
15) I name everything.
16) What frustrates me the most in life is forgetting a great idea. It has become a life-long research project for me to find a custom, convenient way to take notes.
17) I value intelligence and maturity.
18) I cannot recall a day on which I have ever felt clear headed.
19) There are two dents on my forehead from two out of the three times I cracked it open during childhood. I can’t remember one of them.
20) I’m a bit of a hypochondriac.
21) I talk to myself, more than I even notice. It’s like second nature. A habit. I have a feeling it will get worse with age.
22) I hate cleaning bathrooms.
23) At some point in my life, I will write a book. More than likely, it will be a book about me. I’m kind of already embarrassed about how vain that is, but know I’ll write it anyway.
24) I sort of like the smell of asparagus pee.
25) My life wouldn’t be the same without lists.

now you.

1 comment:

emily said...

#19 - i remember both.