Wednesday, October 8, 2008

five annoying things that don't have a specific name

1) someone commenting on your strategy of playing a game while you play that same game, sometimes against that person
2) the sound of drunk laughter through a wall when you have to get up early in the morning
3) thinking you have food in the refrigerator that really isn't there
4) watching t.v. and seeing the same commercial twice during a commercial break
5) having a song stuck in your head, but only part of it, and can't remember either who it's by or what it's called, and when you hum it to your friends to see if they can recognize it, they just look at you like your crazy and try to change the subject nervously, but you persist, because it's been bugging you all day, just repeating and repeating the same 4 or 5 or 10 words with that catchy melody that goes up and down and then pauses on that one note for a couple of seconds, and it reminds you of that time in high school when you were making out

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The first one actually has a name. It's called kibitzing. :-)