Friday, March 21, 2008

5 Things I Take for Granted

1.) Free water at restaurants. The best idea some politician ever had... Right next to democracy.
2.) My middle name. Some people don't have them, and here I am ignoring mine. I should embrace my middle name, scream it from the hilltops and insist that all my friends be familiar with it. For now I'll begin by including it whenever I write my name.
3.) Supermarkets. Life would be very different if I had to grow and hunt my own food. I definitely wouldn't be as picky. "You have shot 0 animals and have collected 0 pounds of meat. Return to wagon?"
4.) Fire. Often times I think of it as a given, but it's not. Caveman scientists slaved away for years to get the whole thing just right. Without it, so many things would be impossible, like chemistry, metal working, or playing with matches.
5.) Being American. Sure it can be a drag at times. Especially when traveling. But when I think about it, I really am lucky to live in a free, safe, and economically sound country, even if I do have to put up with American Idol and Country Music.

Phillip Hussein Skaggs

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