Sunday, March 23, 2008

5 Things That I Admit

1.) I really don't give a shit about politics, I just talk about the presidential candidates because I think it makes me look smart.

2.) Dad, I DID spray paint that tree when I was eight. I found the orange spray paint in the garage and my imagination and curiosity took control. I have refused to admit it, even when you asked me jokingly after I graduated from High School. But now I'm coming clean in a list on a blog that you'll probably never read. I'm not sure why I couldn't just tell you the truth.

3.) I fabricate roughly 72% of my statistics and facts. 80% of the time I actually have no clue what I am talking about.

4.) I talk to myself... A lot actually. Sometimes, I'll just mouth the words, not actually talking, but telling myself things as if I were writing them down. I think everyone does it to some extent. It's extremely comforting at times and useful in sorting the jumble of thoughts going through my head. I probably do it the most on the shower: my creativity nexus. I firmly believe that talking to yourself does not make you crazy. Talking back does.

5.) I am not the charismatic, witty, and insanely handsome stud I tell myself I am.

(I guess three out of the five are about how I'm a compulsive liar. Wow, I should look into that.)

Friday, March 21, 2008

5 Things I Take for Granted

1.) Free water at restaurants. The best idea some politician ever had... Right next to democracy.
2.) My middle name. Some people don't have them, and here I am ignoring mine. I should embrace my middle name, scream it from the hilltops and insist that all my friends be familiar with it. For now I'll begin by including it whenever I write my name.
3.) Supermarkets. Life would be very different if I had to grow and hunt my own food. I definitely wouldn't be as picky. "You have shot 0 animals and have collected 0 pounds of meat. Return to wagon?"
4.) Fire. Often times I think of it as a given, but it's not. Caveman scientists slaved away for years to get the whole thing just right. Without it, so many things would be impossible, like chemistry, metal working, or playing with matches.
5.) Being American. Sure it can be a drag at times. Especially when traveling. But when I think about it, I really am lucky to live in a free, safe, and economically sound country, even if I do have to put up with American Idol and Country Music.

Phillip Hussein Skaggs

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

5 (not so good?) Ideas for April Fools Practical Jokes

1.) Print 300 pictures of myself in different colors, poses, and sizes to leave in random places around the apartment for John (my roommate) to find throughout the next few months.
2.) Fill Kitchen cabinets with hundreds of ping pong balls and simply step away to let the magic happen the next time John needs a glass of water or a can of beans.
3.) Move all of John's furniture from his bedroom into the living room while simultaneously moving everything from the living room into his bedroom. (I'm afraid he won't move it back and will begin sleeping in the living room)
4.) Somehow create life-size cardboard cutouts and posters of myself to hide under his bed sheets, hang in his shower, and stuff into his closet (this may go hand in hand with number 1)
5.) Convince him he is under investigation by the FBI for downloading music over the internet.

On My Mind

1.) Ideas for a ridiculous prank to pull on my unsuspecting roommate this April Fools
2.) The life and work of Jack Kerouac
3.) Thick foreign beer
4.) The last episode of South Park where Cartman contracts Aids, gives it to Kyle, and then cures the disease with large amounts of cold cash shot directly into their veins.
5.) Creative and contrived jibberwocky.